Monday, December 13, 2010

Practicum 8- Maddie

For my last Practicum post, I figured I would wrap up talking about my overall experience with using foursquare. For me, it was really difficult to find enough information or form any kind of opinion about foursquare because in reality, it's a pretty simple application. Besides the main objective (checking in), I didn't find that there was much to do besides share your current location with your friends and browse where other people are. Although it was extremely simple, there was something nice about being able to pick up my Blackberry and browse my friend's locations if I had a free minute or two. There were multiple times during my experience where I could look on foursquare and know where to meet my friends without even having to ask them. With foursquare, I found some helpful information left by other users, became mayor of the places I frequently check into, and earned an abundance of points and badges. Overall, recommending foursquare to a friend would depend on what they are looking for in using this application. It can be used as more of a social networking application, or rather, more as a game. Foursquare has different purposes that can satisfy the needs of various individuals, which shows it's overall versatility of function. Although I didn't find out many new things about foursquare throughout my experience, I definitely enjoyed using it. My dilemma now is whether or not to keep the application on my phone once this project is over. I guess only time will tell.

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