Monday, December 13, 2010

Practicum 7- Maddie

One thing that really bothers me about foursquare is its inability, at times, to be valid. First, something that happens to me a lot is not being able to check in because my phone doesn't have service. Because of this, I do not earn badges, points, or anything that gets me anywhere. Also, something I haven't really touched on many times is the foursquare option that lets users browse "Tips" which are basically blurbs left by other members about certain locations or venues. Looking through my list of Tips today, I came across a few really interesting and informative things that I took into consideration. A few weeks ago, I read a tip left by another user that encouraged others to try the "White Zombie" Latte at Coffee Bytes. Following my curiosity, I decided to try it... why not? Regardless of the fact that after trying the drink, I didn't care for it at all, it was fun to go out and try something that someone else that I don't even know suggested. Some of my tips from the past few weeks told me great information such as the fact that there was an Andy Warhol exhibition at the Chazen Museum of Art from October 9-Dec 5 which I didn't know previously. Although there is a lot of great information and informative tips on the menu, there are also tips such as "There Be Whores Here" and "Watch out for the puke outside" referring to Sellery Hall, which doesn't really do much for me in the long run. Overall, foursquare has a mix of valid information that at times can be really helpful and informative but it also has information that relates closely to Spam and is just pointless.

1 comment:

  1. I tried foursquare for a little while last year and I never really got into it. I just didn't find the need in Madison, when I know where everyone I want to see is already.

    As for the tips I guess foursquare would be more useful if I move to a new city and want to see what there is to do around me. Good to know about the Any Warhol exhibition by the way
