Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Practicum 8 - Brooke

As I wrap up my use of Kongregate for this practicum project, I can't help but think that I will keep my account and continue to visit Kongregate. My experience with this site has been entirely positive. I enjoy the fact that there is always something new on the site to play and that you can bookmark your favorite games to go back to. And lets be honest, what college kid doesn't enjoy a good time wasting site?
In all seriousness, however, I really do enjoy this site. I think the idea for the site is a good one. It gives people that wouldn't have a chance to publish games a place to publish them. It may even be the starting point for some people who will go on to design games professionally. I also like the fact that the ads on the site actually do go to benefit the designers of the games. It's good to know that they are getting something out of contributing their game to the site other than the experience (which is worth something).
I also like the fact that this site encorporates awards and challenges. These keep a player hooked on a game, or in this case mulitiple games, because it always gives you something more to aim for; a reason to keep playing. I also like the support that the site gives. If you get stuck on a certain part of the game, chances are there is someone in the forums that can help you. I personally find this particularly helpful as I do tend to get stuck in games.
Overall, I really enjoyed this project and am glad to have found a new site that I can continue to use through it.

1 comment:

  1. I visited Kongregate, and I agreed that this was a nice site which gave people a chance to publish their game. users could vote their favorite game, and the highest rated game could win a big prize. on one hand, this is a good idea to encourage designers to design more interesting game. on the other hand, the rating increase the interaction between the website and the users.
